
Digital Exhibition «Συρία δὲ, Μουσῶν ἐργαστήριον» - “…Yet Syria, Laboratory of the Muses” in Damascus, Syria

  • Exhibitions

Woodcarving Exhibition: “Glances at Traditional Woodcarving Art: from the Past to the Future” (2022)

  • Exhibitions

Woodcarving Exhibition «Youth Touch to Traditional Wood Arts» (2021-2022)

  • Exhibitions

Digital Exhibition: "...Yet Syria, Laboratory of the Muses" Athens - Thessaloniki 2021

  • Exhibitions

Photography Exhibition: "Nature in art. The example of a Byzantine manuscript" Thessaloniki - Istanbul (2021)

  • Exhibitions

OLKAS II. Sailing from and to Byzantium. Medieval Ports from Euxeinos Pontos to Eastern Mediterranean

  • Exhibitions

Icons from the Thracian Coast of the Black Sea in Bulgaria (2011-2012)

  • Exhibitions

Architecture as Icon. Perception and Representation of Architecture in Byzantine Art (2009-2010)

  • Exhibitions

Icons from the Orthodox Communities of Albania (2006)

  • Exhibitions