Press Release
Youth Touch to Traditional Wood Arts
Actions Review
From 13th until 15th of April, 2022 , in the framework of the project “Young Masters-Traditional Touch to the Preservation of Wooden Heritage: Master Hands-Young Brains Cooperation Project”, created by the University of Istanbul and the EKBMM, headed by YAPIMED, Graduates and Members Society of Istanbul Zincirlikuyu Technical and Construction Vocational High School, in Thessaloniki actions were held to promote the art of woodcarving and to transfer the know-how from old craftsmen to new students.
On April 13, an experiential woodcarving workshop was held at the Islahane Cultural Center, which is under the responsibility of the Service of Modern Monuments and Technical Works of Central Macedonia, and experienced woodcarving teachers from Greece (EPA.S. Kalampaka “Wood Carving and Decorative Furniture”) and Turkey (Istanbul “Zincirlikuyu ISOV Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School”), they introduced the secrets of their art to the public.
In the afternoon of the same day and in the same place, took place the opening of the exhibition “Youth Touch to Traditional Wood Arts” in a festive atmosphere with the presence of the Consul General of Turkey in Thessaloniki, Mr. Efe Ceylan and many attendants. The ceremony was accompanied by a short concert by the Traditional Music Ensemble “Psaltira” of the AUTh TMS under the direction of Maria Alexandrou, entitled “Eastern sounds and carvings”, as well as with a reception. The exhibition highlights the aspects of woodcarving art in the Byzantine-Post-Byzantine and Ottoman tradition and at the same time marks the dynamics of this tradition in modern times. Also includes rich material from the two countries, contemporary works of students of traditional wood carving of EPA.S. Kalampaka “Wood Carving and Decorative Furniture”. Similar works have been produced on the Turkish side by the students of ZincirlikuyuI SOV Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, samples of which are presented in the material.
On April 14, a Roundtable was organized at the Museum of Byzantine Culture. Experts from Greece and Turkey presented issues related to the artistic trends and techniques of decorating wood carvings of the two countries, as well as modern methods of their preservation. Finally, on April 15, the activities ended with a fruitful exchange of views and know-how, as the project team, which includes woodcarvers, archaeologists and conservators, as well as young woodcarving students, had the opportunity to the conservation laboratories of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Chalkidice and Mount Athos.
The project is funded by the “Grant Scheme for Common Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Dialogue between Turkey and the EU-II (CCH-II)”.
Duration: 13 April–12 May 2022
Daily: 10:00-14:00, Wednesday 10.00 -20.00
Weekends closed
The exhibition will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
Educational activities are offered for school groups of primary and secondary education, upon telephone contact and reservation.
Attendance is free
Info: Chara Sarrigiannidou, Kostas Gkanatsas
Telephone: (+30) 2310 889830
Press Release