Press Release
Today, Friday 4, 2021, in the headquarters of the European Center for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments (EKBMM) in Thessaloniki, the Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia and EKBMM. The Memorandum was signed by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia Mrs. Irina Stefoska and the President of EKBMM, professor of Byzantine Archaeology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mrs. Natalia Poulou.
The cause for the signing of the Memorandum was the invitation from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia to EKBMM, to undertake the conservation project of the Byzantine Church of St. George at Kurbinovo. St. George is one of the most important monuments, preserving intact an iconographic program of the Komnenian Period. In this framework, cooperation in the sectors of protection, conservation and restoration of byzantine and post-byzantine monuments in the Republic of North Macedonia as well as in the training of the conservation staff and the implementation of scientific research programmes, publications and exhibitions was mutually agreed between the two parties.
Press Release