Press Release

International Symposium “Re(dis)covering Chora: The Byzantine Νame of the Rose” Athens, November 25-26, 2021

The European Center for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments, invites you to the International Symposium on the Chora Monastery in Istanbul, titled “Re(dis)covering Chora: The Byzantine Νame of the Rose”, that will take place between November 25 and 26, 2021 in Athens, at the amphitheater of the War Museum (Vasilissis Sophias Avenue & Rizari 2). Eminent byzantinologists from Greece and abroad, will highlight anew in the international scientific community, the importance of the monument, through lectures pertaining to its history, architecture, art and epigraphy.

The Symposium will be hybrid and will take place in accordance with Covid-19 related guidelines and regulations. Attendance will be possible by physical presence and through Symposium’s on-line platform. Pre-registration is required for both ways of attendance through the link:

Due to Covid-19 regulations, participation by physical presence will be subject to order of priority, according to amphitheater’s capacity.

Attendance is free.

Information: European Center for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine monuments.

Tel. 2310 889 830

Participants will be asked for a vaccination or recovery certificate (issued no more than 6 months ago), at the entrance of the amphitheater.


Press Release