Mo.Na. Monuments in Nature A creative Co-existence. Forum in Constantinople “Ecumenical Initiative for the Protection of Environment and Culture”

The European Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments (EKBMM) co-organized with the Ecumenical Patriarchate a Forum entitled: “Ecumenical Initiative for the Protection of Environment and Culture”. The Forum was organized in the framework of the project “Mo.Na: Monuments in Nature: A Creative Co-existence” funded by INTERREG V – Balkan -Mediterranean 2014-2020. It took place in Istanbul, on September 4-5, 2021, at the Sismanogleio Foundation and at the Theological School of Halki. The Forum was attended by Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian, Cypriot and Albanian scientists and high-school teachers, who presented programs and educational initiatives aimed at raising awareness of young people and the general public on environmental and cultural issues.

Forum’s Programme