International Symposium ““From the Aegean to the Black Sea” – medieval Ports in the Maritime Routes of the East”, Project “Olkas”
Completing almost 2 years of successful implementation of the project “Olkas. “From the Aegean to the Black Sea” – medieval Ports in the Maritime Routes of the East “, the European Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments (EKBMM) organized in Thessaloniki on 4-6 December 2013, the final International Symposium ““From the Aegean to the Black Sea” – medieval Ports in the Maritime Routes of the East”. The Symposium took place in the “Stefanos Dragoumis” hall of the Museum of Byzantine Culture. On the first day of the Symposium, December 4, 2013, the documentary “Journey to the ports of the North Aegean and the Black Sea” produced in the project “Olkas”, with the participation of all partners, was presented for the first time. Over the next two days, scientists from Greece, the Black Sea countries (Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia), Armenia and Austria presented their research on the history and archeology of medieval ports.