Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan and Survey on the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage, 2004
Organization of the 2nd co-ordination meeting on the Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan and Survey on the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage which is an initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission (General Directorate for Education and Culture) within the framework of the Regional Programme for Cultural and Natural Heritage in SE Europe in order to be organized a preliminary estimation on the studies of monuments’ restoration that each country has deposited in the framework of the 2nd International Conference. Three international experts appointed by the Council of Europe and the European Union were the head of the scheme: John Bold, Daniel Drocourt and (†) Professor Georgios Lavvas. Bodies from Albania , Bulgaria, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Croatia, F.Y.R.O.M., Serbia – Montenegro and Romania also attended the meeting (21 – 24/04/2004).