Woodcarving Workshop – Roundtable “Youth Touch to Traditional Wood Arts”

The European Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments (EKBMM) organized Woodcarving Workshop and Roundtable “Youth Touch to Traditional Wood Arts“, in the framework of the project “Traditional Touch to the Preservation of Wooden Heritage: Master Hands-Young Brains Cooperation Project“, implemented by the University of Istanbul and the EKBMM, headed by YAPIMED, Graduates and Members Society of Istanbul Zincirlikuyu Technical and Constructional Vocational High School. Collaborating partner is Zincirlikuyu ISOV Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School.

The Woodcarving Workshop and the Roundtable were part of a series of actions aimed at promoting and protecting the wood carving art in Greece and Turkey, the continuation of traditional techniques in the art of woodworking, the creation of dialogue and the transfer of know-how from old crafts. to young students.

The actions “Youth Touch to Traditional Wood Arts”, took place on 13-14 April 2022 in Thessaloniki. The workshop was hosted at the Islahane Cultural Center and included demonstrations by woodcarving teachers from Greece and Turkey.

The Roundtable was hosted on April 14 at the Museum of Byzantine Culture. Specialist scientists from Greece and Turkey presented issues related to the artistic trends and techniques of decoration of wood carvings of the two countries, as well as modern methods of their preservation.

To the participants certificates of attendance were given.

Round table program